Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides.Lots of jokers and poker players, life on the beach to share, frogs and fools, on ships of fools. Songs to sing. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Cows to call, fat and wide, retards and rejects from NY.In a relationship with Mike Lee :From Washingtonville, New York. Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides.One more time, to stop and take a moment, lost in times, lost in space, twists and turns, one more day. Lovers and haters, life on the water, circles of life, joys and pains, ups and downs, dream life on the surface.
Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides. Dicks and dogs, sheep and goat, horns of love and hate on a goat, tales to spin, good times to sail on. Lovers and hats, songs and dances, snakes and frogs, dances on the water. Lots of love, lots of luck, circles of lovers, circles of haters, songs on the waters. Daily events, to live and learn, daily events to choose mountains to climb, daily events on the sands of time. Good times to turn around, tips on the joys and pains, dances for the lights to come on.Wisdom of Gene Wilder: Jack Schmitt: Going Flying Kites....Always Believe: Never Give Up
Lessons Learned, Tricks And Trades, Green Grass,m Chief Of Seattle, Lights On The Cash. Blue Hares In Hay. Police are searching for burglars suspected of looting a 3-foot-tall safe packed with $10 million of jewelry and cash Friday from a Hancock Park home. The thieves used a rug to drag the safe from a walk-in closet, downstairs and out the front door of the home in the 200 block of South Highland Avenue, according to LAPD. That was before they scaled an exterior wall on the perimeter of the property and broke in through a window.Houses, Homes, Heat, Veterans Homeless Blues:Resources:Blue Oceans 2 Create. Snakes, spiders and worms, retards, rejects, escapees from NY. Rotten apple, franky trees, franky trees and his nuts to show, yellow snake, in out of his mind, out of his skin, out of his life, coins to flip, fat and wide, fat and talking shit, and dung, lots of fecal matter, all about shit. Dicks, dawgs, dangs, donkeys to date, monkeys in pack, NY retards, frank and nuts, Franky Trees and his kids, rotten to the core. Eggs a day, will help you live longer, tips on a good, long life, pigs and hogs, dinner treats.
Veterans to watch out.Frank Agresti,NY escapees....Juliana Santiago.enty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Big Mouth, Freaks, Crooks, Liars, Frogs And Fish Treats....Juliana Santiago.enty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Big Mouth, Freaks, Crooks, Liars, Frogs And Fish Treats.
NY escapees.. Big Mouth, Freaks, Crooks, Liars, Frogs And Fish Treats...Morning class, notes to New York City, Franky Trees listen up. Katz in the cradle, baby rocking the boat. 2 kittys playing games on the beach. Lost my three lines, lost your number. Here is the big one, 2 are terrible always, I did not have mind, and you left me to have it on Julie, and Angie. Shame on you. Father Time, not Franky Trees, or Frankie Trees, in NEW YORK CITY,,,,,…
People under the surface, mirrors on the wall, charms and wits, hard to beat,…NY escapees....Morning class, notes to New York City, Franky Trees listen up. Big Mouth, Freaks, Crooks, Liars, Frogs And Fish Treats. Katz in the cradle, baby rocking the boat. 2 kittys playing games on the beach. Lost my three lines, lost your number. Here is the big one, 2 are terrible always, I did not have mind, and you left me to have it on Julie, and Angie. Shame on you. Father Time, not Franky Trees, or Frankie Trees, in NEW YORK CITY,,,,,…People under the surface, mirrors on the wall, charms and wits, hard to beat,…

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